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Romantic Movies for Couples Perfect for Date Night!

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Last Updated on January 23, 2019 by Diane Hoffmaster

Some days, we just need to spend time reconnecting with our significant other.  The week is long.  The kids are annoying. Date night doesn’t have to mean expensive dinners out or trips to a crowded movie theater.  These romantic movies for couples will make date night inexpensive and enjoyable!  Make a few appetizers together.  Grab a blanket. Get those kids to bed early!  Choose one of these romantic movies for a fun date night in with your partner.

Romantic Movies for Couples that are perfect for date night!

Romantic Movies for Couples Perfect for Date Night!

Let me just say that some guys INSIST that they hate romantic movies.  They only want to watch blood, gore, violence, car crashes and explosions.  Okay, well, if you also love those things then maybe you should skip these romantic movies for couples and just choose something else. However, buildings blowing up and aliens crawling out of people’s bodies just really doesn’t inspire feelings of affection. At least not in ME!

Planning an evening of romance? I encourage both of you to sit down with a bowl of homemade brown bag microwave popcorn and give a few of these romantic movies a shot.  I tried to include movies that weren’t TOTAL chick flicks. Let me  know if you have other suggestions. 

Check out these movie reviews:

  •  Me Before You  :  I would classify this one as a romantic tragedy.
  • A Royal Night Out : Skip date night and have a movie night with your teenage daughter instead!
  • The Longest Ride: This one will have you crying big, ugly tears! Listed as both drama and romance. 


Romantic Movies for Couples Perfect for Date Night! Fireproof

Which are the best romantic movies?

Fireproof (if you like dramatic romantic movies for couples, this is a good choice!)

Starring: Kirk Cameron and Jason McLeod 

In one sentence:  Guy really screws up and wife is about to leave him so he tries to get his act together.

 A feel-good drama, Fireproof has a strong agenda: stay married, lead an honest life, and let your faith in a higher power help guide you. A still boyish-looking Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains) stars as Caleb Holt, a mercurial-tempered firefighter whose marriage is on the rocks. He clearly enjoys his status as a hero, but it comes at the expense of his marriage. His wife Catherine (Erin Bethea) is tired of the distance and wants him to make more of an effort at home, rather than surf porn on the Internet and hoard his earnings toward his dream fishing boat instead of helping out her disabled mother. Faced with impending divorce, Caleb’s dad challenges him to follow the “40-day love dare,” in which each task (cook her dinner, say nothing negative, etc.) is meant for him to better understand love and commitment and try and win his wife back.  Cameron does a fine job of making Caleb real and believable, even when we’re not always liking him. Though saddled at times with maudlin lines, Cameron adds emotion and range to his role.  

Romantic Movies for Couples Perfect for Date Night! Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler’s Wife (If you like romantic movies for couples with a bit of science fiction thrown in, try this one!)

In One Sentence: A man is born with a horrible condition where he travels through time involuntarily and during his adventures meets and falls in love with his wife.

What if you suddenly, unpredictably and uncontrollably traveled through time? Life can be harrowing for a time traveler, but in this romance about the victory of love over age and time, life is even more challenging for The Time Traveler’s Wife. Clare (Rachel McAdams–Wedding Crashers, The Notebook) has been in love with Henry (Eric Bana–Troy, Munich) her entire life. She believes they are destined to be together, even though she never knows when they will be separated: Henry is a time traveler–cursed with a rare genetic anomaly that causes him to live his life on a shifting timeline, skipping back and forth through the years with no control. Despite the fact that Henry’s travels force them apart with no warning, and never knowing when they will be reunited, Clare desperately tries to build a life with her one true love.

Romantic Movies for Couples Perfect for Date Night! You've Got Mail


You’ve Got Mail (Romance in the digital age!)

6 thoughts on “Romantic Movies for Couples Perfect for Date Night!”

  1. All these are such great movies! Hubby and I need to plan our next movie date night — it’s a great way to connect and relax!

  2. I personally prefer to watch action movies with my hubby. Anything with fast cars and explosions is a date night favorite for me!

  3. These are awesome movies! I haven’t seen The Travelers Wife yet. The hubby and I definIltey need a date night soon. The kids have been falling asleep at nine lately. I am hoping tomorrow night we have have a date night and catch up up on Chicago Fire and Chicago PD.

    • There are a few good tv shows my husband and I enjoy watching together, too. Now that the kids are teens it is hard to find time alone at night though!

  4. These are all awesome suggestions and would make for a great date night in. Serendipity and The Notebook are two of my favorite romantic movies!


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