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Upcycled Dog Treats Jar to Keep Fido’s Treats Fresh!

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Last Updated on May 4, 2016 by Diane Hoffmaster

Up until now, I have been keeping the dog’s treats in the box they come from the pet store in.  It rarely closes properly and her chewy treats end up crunchy very quickly. This week I decided to make an upcycled dog treats jar to keep her treats a bit more fresh.  Not that SHE is all that picky.  This is the dog that likes to eat bunny poop and drink out of the toilet.  But, since I love the often annoying little canine that rules this house, I think she deserves fresh dog treats!  So, if you have an empty jar or two lying around, try making an upcycled dog treats jar for your own pooch.  It is incredibly easy to do and a very inexpensive DIY project that even your kids could help you do. I will include a few photos of our DIY dog treat jar and some affiliate links for products that you might need.

Upcycled Dog Treats Jar

Easy DIY Dog Treats Jar Craft



empty jar with lid, large or small, depending on your needs.

paint in your desired colors

glue gun


dog scrapbook paper

Mod Podge and applicator to adhere the paper to the jar.

wood cabinet knob for the handle

dog treats to put in the jar!



Make sure the empty jar and lid you are using for your dog treats container are clean and dry.

Upcycled Dog Treats Jar


Using the hot glue gun, attach the wooden cabinet knob to the center top of the jar lid.  Let dry.

Easy Upcycled Dog Treats Jar Craft


Paint the lid of the jar and the wood cabinet knob the desired color.  Add pawprints or other decorative elements if you are artistic!

Easy Upcycled Dog Treats Jar


Cut the scrapbook paper to the desired length and width you will need to wrap around the jar

Apply Mod Podge to the back of the paper and attach to the jar.  Hold firmly in place for a minute or two until set.

DIY Dog Treats Jar


Once the Mod Podge is dry just add your dog treats to the jar, screw on the lid and you are done!

Do you keep your pup’s treats in the box or a dog treats jar?

Looking for more upcycled jar crafts?

Check out my post about turning them into a succulent garden!

Upcycled Jar Succulent Garden


8 thoughts on “Upcycled Dog Treats Jar to Keep Fido’s Treats Fresh!”

  1. This is such a cute idea! My two furbabies will be so happy they’ll be able to see their treats. Of course, I’ll be happier because it looks so much better than trying to zip those crazy treat bags up.

  2. This is a really cute idea. I could see making these jars for so many different things in my house. Even a cookie jar for the kids would be fun!

  3. What a fun way to reuse jars! I’ve always recycle jars like that because they aren’t very “pretty”, but adding the knob makes them so cute!

  4. We don’t have a dog, but our cat gets treats and this would be a great idea for that as well. Or how about a secret chocolate jar for us… we need treats too!

  5. What a great idea! We go through pickels so fast in our house, this would make a nice project for my daughter and I to do.


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