Last Updated on April 22, 2014 by
These spring cleaning tips have been sponsored by Eureka. I have been provided with one Eureka Airspeed All Floor vacuum to facilitate my post.
After a very long, cold and dreadfully dreary winter, spring is finally here! My garden is planted, the days are staying light later, and the kids are off to school in the morning in shorts. Yes, April in Georgia is warm enough for shorts! Along with the warmer weather comes a distinct need to clean out my house. Clutter and dust bunnies shall be dealt with severely in the coming weeks. Between purging the closets and vacuuming up the extra coat my dog leaves behind on the floor I am hoping to be more energized and motivated once the house is clean again. If you are diving into spring cleaning this month, too, here are a few helpful spring cleaning tips to get you on your way!
Spring Cleaning Tips
1. Check your supplies: I like to have one bucket for all of my spring cleaning supplies. Sponges, rags, old toothbrushes, toilet bowl cleaner and an assortment of other stuff goes in one large bucket. A laundry basket works well if you have one. Less running up and down stairs for that one vital spring cleaning solution that you left in the living room.
2. Make a list and don’t overload yourself: You are not going to finish all your spring cleaning in one day. Make a room by room list of the things that you want to accomplish. Start at the top and work your way through it, checking stuff off as you go. Nothing makes me happier than a list with stuff crossed off!
3. Use the pile system: This is my very vague way of saying ‘put all your junk in some sort of order’. Make a pile for Goodwill. Make a pile for trash. Make a pile for stuff your kids need to deal with.
4. Delegate! If you are a single person with nobody else living in your house you are out of luck. You are stuck doing all your spring cleaning by yourself. If you have a significant other, children, or some other able bodied person living with you, make them do their fair share. I double you were the only person to MAKE the mess in your house, therefor you do not need to be the only one cleaning it up!
5. Clean top to bottom: It is very annoying when you dust your bureau and then your ceiling fan and wow…your bureau is a mess again! Start at the top and work your way to the rug. Do not make extra work for yourself! Extra work is never a good thing unless you are a food critic and extra work means more awesome restaurant food!
6. Make sure you invest in quality supplies. Buying cheap sponges, knock off magic erasers, and vacuums with no suction are not going to get the job done any faster. You may save a few dollars but you will be wasting a ton of time redoing things over and over again with less than stellar results. Spring cleaning is not the time to cut corners!
Part of my spring cleaning over the last few weeks has involved the new Eureka AirSpeed ALL FLOORS Upright Vacuum. It is equipped with patented AirSpeed Technology that gives you amazing results. Unlike many other vacuums, Eureka AirSpeed ALL FLOORS’ AirSpeed Technology uses an efficient floor-to-cup air path with limited twists and turns that decreases the distance dust needs to travel and increases airflow, providing maximum suction power. It can be adjust to clean both carpets or bare floors with a very easy turn of a dial. You can also use the convenient control valve to direct all of the power to the floors or to the tools, so you can deep clean to stairs, furniture and crevices. This really comes in handy in my multi floor home! So, here is a breakdown of my experience with the Eureka Airspeed All Floor vacuum:
My House:
First off, a quick look at my house. It includes 2 messy kids, 1 large and very hairy dog, a bird who enjoys flinging kibble hither and yon and a husband who likes to snack while standing at the pantry. It is part carpet, part hardwood floor, part tile. Cleaning is challenging and done frequently, much to my immense dislike.
My Experience with the vacuum:
I was pleased to see that this vacuum was incredibly easy to assemble. I am not the most patient nor gifted builder of things. I don’t like reading directions and usually leave this sort of thing to the husband. I know that is totally not part of the whole ‘liberated woman’ movement but he is way better at that stuff than I am. Despite my lack of experience, I was able to assemble in just minutes without even glancing at the very helpful product manual. No tools required which I am very thankful for!
It is very light weight which makes carrying it up and down stairs very easy. Nothing brings spring cleaning to a halt faster than throwing out your back lugging around a too heavy vacuum cleaner!
Tools and accessories are easy to access without a lot of bending over. I like that the floor to tool suction adjustment is easy to reach as well.
The cord is nice and long, making it easy to go from room to room without having to change plugs 8 million times. There is also a very easy power button on the base of the vacuum that you just touch with your foot.
It has really great suction on both bare floor and carpet. Check out my video below of this week’s cleaning challenge!

This is a bagless vacuum system which maintained great suction, even when it was starting to get full. In my house, it gets full fast so I appreciate that!
The attachment that you put on to do the steps worked great! I hate all the dog hair that accumulates on my stairs and this vacuum did a stellar job of sucking it all up!
Really, the only thing I think I would improve on this vacuum is the attachment mechanism for the tools. Occasionally when I was lugging the vacuum around the house the tools would fall off their base. I think a slightly snugger fit would be better for those times I am dragging it up and down steps and not just cruising along on smooth floors.
Overall, I was very happy with this vacuum and it certainly made my spring cleaning very efficient. If you want to learn more you can connect with Eureka on Facebook. It is available for purchase at Walmart for approximately $98.
Two lucky readers will win (1) Eureka Airspeed All Floors Bagless Upright Vacuum AS3011A. This is a Giveaway Tools contest so please enter using the form below.
Disclaimer: In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials.”: I received product samples in exchange for my honest review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone. Some of the links in this post may be “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers.
By entering this giveaway, you release this blog and it’s owner from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all causes of action, related to any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the giveaway or delivery, mis-delivery or acceptance of any prize.
Getting hair up from the carpet.
My worst vacuum challenge is getting into corners and high places.
Definitely dog hair!
Spilled cereal and flour are the worst.
We have a Lab dog and his hair is hard to get all the way up
I have 2 toddler girls who are always making a mess. Most days I have to vacuum 2 a day just to get all stuff they drop.
Cat hair.
My two year old is my biggest challenge!!
Stairs are a problem. That and having two types of carpet depths and hardwood. Multiple surfaces for different cleaning.
Mine is the down and feathers that need to be vacuumed daily from our lovely Budgies 🙂
My worst vacuum challenge is trying to get all the dog hair off the carpeted areas in my house! I need better suction!
My biggest challenge is getting all the dog hair up, especially up against the baseboards. Also the lint and food crumbs are hard to get up every day.
Pet hair is the worse.. I also find little staples everywhere after my niece and nephew have been to the house.
My worst challenge is 3 little messy boys i’m constantly cleaning the floors!
I think my challenge is crumbs that my husband drops while he watches TV and eats snacks.
I have 3 sons, a husband and a dog, all of whom leave plenty of work for our vacuum! The biggest challenge is probably the white dog hair though, all over the darker floors!
Pet hair is my biggest vacuum challenge – during shedding season, it’s all over.
My biggest challenge is the vacuum itself–mine is a very heavy kluncker!
Oh…and the cat hair. Lots and lots of cat hair.
My worst vacuum challenge is cleaning the steps because my vacuum is heavy.
My couches are my biggest challenge because of the pets and the kids! Blahh!!
Cleaning the pet hair from the couches and carpet.
We have a lot of sand and little tiny rocks that gets carried in on shoes especially in wet weather. Sometimes getting all this cleaned up is a challenge.
My kids getting crumbs everywhere
I have 3 long haired dogs…..sigh
My vacuum challenge is vacuuming between places, and under the furniture, Thank you!
My biggest challenge is suction, my current (hand me down) vacuum is quite old and it barely picks up the cat hair on the carpet, I usually end up doing most of the main areas with a hair pick up tool by hand and that kills my back.
Getting cat litter out of the carpet
Dog hair!!
I have the hardest time vacuuming on our hardwood and tile floors! Our current vacuum just spits the dirt back out- it’s so annoying!
Myself dropping food everywhere!
Dog hair is my worst vacuum challenge
My worst vacuum challenge is getting hair out of the carpet, and also sometimes floss gets tangled in the vacuum.
cat hair i have 2 cats so we have cat hair everywhere
i hate vaccuming all the food my kids drop on the floor!
Taking a very heavy vacuum up the stairs just to sweep.
My worst vacuum challenge is suction.Every vacuum I have breaks within the first year.
The mess made by the kids(sands in their feet) when they came from the beach !
Vacuuming the stairs! Heavy vacuum
My biggest vacuum able mess is dog hair, and my second is mine abs my daughter’s hair! Between the 3 of us, I an in need of a good vacuum !!
My number one enemy in vacuuming is dog hair!
my biggest challenge is getting near the baseboards! i always have to dig it out with my hands and then sweep it up!
I have two dogs and a cat.. lots and lots of pet hair!
I have two vacuuming challenges – a calico and a maine coon!
Pet hair and cookie crumbs are my worst challenge.
those hard to reach corners and hair all over the floor
Getting under and around funiture
my worst challenge is picking up dog hair
Dog and cat hair! It’s everywhere and clogs up our current vacuum really quickly!
My worst vacuum challenge is lugging it up and down the stairs. If I win, I’ll keep one on each floor.
Mine is pet hair!
My worst challenge is picking up dog & cat hair as well as the many messes that my 3 toddler aged daughters make.
too heavy of a vacume
Cleaning up all the dog fur in the house.
I have kids that make messes constantly.
My biggest challenge is black cat hair.
tons of golden retriever dog hair and oh a shepherd too
worst vacuum challenge is cereal
The couch is my worst vacuum challenge. The cats sleep on it and it gets full of hair. The hair gets between the cushions along with any other crumbs and dust. Everything just sticks to the couch and the vacuum has a hard time getting everything off.
I have several cats and do cat rescue especially with black cats, I always struggle with cat hair.
Pet Hair – it’s everywhere!!!
Mine is cat fur and crumbs from kids.
dog hair! this girl sheds something fierce and you sweep and the next morning there is is again!
Pet hair is definitely the biggest problem. I need something that will clean both carpet and bare floor and attachments are a must to get the fur off of furniture.
The dogs rug~
getting dog hair off my carpets
Mine is keeping up with the large amount of hair that sheds from my 2 fluffy dogs
My worst carpet problem is cat hair.
Pet hair is the worst!!
Cat fur is my worst vacuum challenge.
HAIR! Between 4 long-haired people in my house plus 3 cats hair is always everywhere and even gets caught in the vacuum.
My worst challenge is pet hair.
Getting the little crumbs up!! I have little twins who like to throw everything on the floor and smash it up!
The toughest is vacuuming out the car.
cat hair
My biggest vacuuming challenge is vacuuming under and around furniture
All of the dog hair that gets stuck in the rug.
My worst vacuum challenge are pet hair and feathers
Hair and lint from the carpet
Cat hair off the couch is the worst.
My worst vacuum challenge is dog hair. I have three dogs in the house and I’m forever trying to get rid of all the hair.
My worst vacuum challenge is the kitchen and bath grout
The worst would have to be vacuuming hair. Then when it gets stuck in the vacuum-it’s just horrible.
My worst vacuum challenge is dogs and cats hair !
I hate removing dust bunnies from under the bed with the vac..
My biggest challenge is crumbs and tracked in dirt! Both seem to never end 🙂
My worst challenge is the carpet on the stair, it’s beige and very thick, hard to clean.
My biggest challenge is cat hair
We live on a dirt road, so dirt and little bitty stones are always being tracked in, and it gets deep in the carpet’s fibers. I need something to get this out!
Dirty wet doggie paws…UGH!
Doing the stairs it’s really hard on my back
My most challenging mess is definitely when my children drop cereal everywhere.
When stuff gets between my wood cracks.
worst vacuum challenge is the dirt my hubby brings in from the yard
I don’t like all the hair that gathers up in the roller bristles.
I have a long hair dog and a long hair cat and a bird, so every day I am trying to
pick up hair and feathers.
getting all the pet hair up, pug hair is the worst!
My husband is in a wheelchair and everything outside comes in with him on his wheels. Always cleaning up after him.
Pet hair for sure!!
Cat hair is my biggest challenge.
My worst challenge is cleaning up red dirt from light colored carpeting.
My worst vacuum challenge is my long hair getting tangled up in the belt!
Vacuuming the bedroom with all its posts and legs to try and get around
Cat hair off our fabric couch.
Persian cat hair is the worst!
I have two dogs in addition to my hair and my daughter hair !! this vacuum will help
a lot !
The dog hair! AND the cat hair! It never ends. Seriously.
Pet hair, its everywhere and never seems to end!
My biggest vaccum challenge is getting dog and cat hair up off the carpet. I do not have a good vaccuum right now as mind broke so I usually have to wait until I can’t stand it anymore and then I’ll go borrow my mothers.
My children when they play ! and my cat hair !
My biggest challenge is picking up all the dog hair.
Ground-in clay on a berber carpet.
I have 3 dogs and their hair gets everywhere I would say that is my biggest challenge
Mine always gets clogged, and then I have to dig with a wire clothes hanger to get the gunk out. Gross.
I don’t like trying to vacuum the stairs.
It would be my four cats
My biggest challenge is getting up cat hair from 2 cats!
I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I have bad luck with vacuums! I hate trying to get under the beds
My worst vacuum challenge is food. My 2 year old gets it everywhere!
My worst challenge is getting the dogs hair out of the carpet.
hate Spilled cereal
I hate the dust bunnies underneath furniture.
My 2 cats hair and children mess after the eat biscuit and chips in the living room !!
Stairs an all of the little corners and edges.
I’m an apartment manager and my worst vacuuming challenge is pine needles on the outdoor carpeting outside the tenants doors. They are difficult to get up.
My worst vacuum challenge is my cat’s fur – it gets everywhere!!
One that will clean stairs
I would have to say Dog Hair is my vacuum challenge!
large amounts of dog and cat hair
Cat hair from 7 cats and a messy man.
I have a long haired dog that sheds everywhere.
I have two long haired cats so I’m always dealing with cat fur.
All the dog hair on the bedroom rugs. Ugh. He sheds so much I think we can make a second puppy.
My biggest challenge when vacuuming is picking up hair and dust. My vacuum sometimes leaves it behind, and I have to go over carpet several times.
Sigh.. my cat.
our worst is pet hair! we have mainly hardwood floors and with a dog who sheds something awful and we have a we are sweeping all the time to keep the pet hair up
My kids! They are 2 and 5.. so there is all kinds of mess in my deep carpeting. Cheerios, a stray fruit snack or 2, legos, all kinds of stuff!
getting all the animal hair up from my couch
I hate lugging the vacuum to do the stairs.
Picking up my hair. I apparently shed like an animal and it gets everywhere.
kport207 at gmail dot com
Crumbs under the dining room table from toddlers…
Getting the pet hair and litter out of the carpet, takes forever!
My biggest problem is cleaning the steps.
Dog hair and random tiny objects kids left behind that make crazy noises when sucked up.
My worst challenge is pet hair!
Worst challenge is def my dogs hair, stuff is ridiculous.
Dog hair from my four dogs.
I hate the cat fur that’s everywhere. And I have difficulties when my daughter smashes cereal in the floor.
Dog hair and my grandson snacking causes tons of crumbs
Mine is dog hair. We have 3 dogs. Our Lab’s hair is the worst.
I have to go with everyone and say hair. My hair, my 2 daughter hair, my mothers hair, and our pet. My husband is bald and always has to clean the hair out of the vacuum 🙂
food spills and crumbs dfrom company.. I’m in denial that I’m doing any of it.
my black lab is my biggest cleaning challenge
Dog hair. Oh my goodness it’s so hard to get up off of the floor or anything really!
My worst vacuum challenge is vacuuming our couches. Getting all the pet hair off of them seems impossible!
cat hair. all the cat hair. we have 3 cats.
It is a blend of fur and the fact that our dining room is carpeted (crumbs).
Getting hair caught in the vac
Pet hair.
getting my current vac to even work, it’s sounding way too crunchy
Dog hair is the worst!
Sometimes the worse challenge is getting rid of all the cat fur in the livingroom.
Pet Fur !!!
My greatest challenge is cat hair. Between two kids crushing Cheetos into the carpet and the cat shedding in the warm weather, I’m losing the cleanliness war.
Getting all of the dog hair off the couch!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Kitty litter is my biggest challenge.
dog hair everywhere!
Getting up all the cat hair.
Pet hair is my biggest challenge.
My dog’s hair is the biggest challenge. It is very course and gets stuck in the furniture and our car.
Dog and cat hair are my worst challenges, it takes a really good vacuum to suck them up.
My worst vacuum challenge is cat litter. I should be lucky they cover it up but it gets all over the floor and then dragged through the house.
Getting all the crumbs my son leaves everywhere!
Cat litter that my kitten tracks EVERYWHERE
Cleaning the stairs
The worst for me is cat hair on the stairs. Hate that.
Dog hair. Its everywhere.
cat hair and it drives me crazy
dog and cat fur, its all over everything.
Popcorn Kernels lol
My toughest challenge is removing all the concrete dust my sweetheart brings home daily!
getting under the furniture. Can never quite manage it
trying to get the crumb of cereal from the sofa.
My fiance is a machinist so we have lots of dirt and small metal shavings in our carpet.
Dog hair all over the carpet!
Picking up hair is definitely my biggest vacuum challenge.
Dog hair.
My vacuum never gets all the cat hair.
Pet hair and dust bunnies are my worst vacuum challenges!
Those little fuzzies that come out of stuffed animals are the WORST to try to get up with a vacuum. Thanks for the opportunity to win. This looks like a great vacuum!
Cleaning up Pet Hair. I have no control over it
Pet hair. I have 4 cats, so it’s a challenge.
Pet hair
dog hair- getting off the rugs in our home.
My biggest vacuuming challenge getting up the dog hair
Cereal is my worst problem.
Dog hair stuck in the velcro on the backs of the couch cushions – almost impossible to remove.
My worst vacuum challenge is kitty litter spilled on the carpet.
Without a doubt it is dog hair
crumbs crumsb and even more daily crumbs.
Lots and lots of dog hair!
My daughter’s long hair is my biggest challenge.
Cat and dog hair! It’s every where and doesn’t like to vaccum up. : /
My biggest and ongoing challenge is dog fur!
Mine is near the front door. Someone is always tracking dirt in there. Thanks for having this contest.
i would have to say snacks that my kids spill
Pet hair
Keeping up with the daily messes the kids and pets make.
Oh boy I just pulled out my fridge to vacuum under and behind it. Yuck! Hair, dust, spiderwebs, crumbs, some Fruit Loops, even a matchbox car. Not cool!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
The dog hair that clings to the corners and in difficult places.
My cat’s hair is the worst problem! She’s long haired and her hair sticks to everything!
Worst would be the corners and tight spaces
Pets hair is my worst challenge !
Cat hair is my big challenge
Kids mess up after they play !!
My biggest challenge is dog hair!
Thanks for the giveaway…vacuuming carpeted stairs, and having a vacuum whose power cord is too short !
hair and dander from 2 dogs
My biggest vacuum challenge is the sand and little pebbles that the kids bring in their shoes from the school playground.
Dog Hair & sand
My biggest challenge is the the hose always seems to get clogged and I end up having to stick a coat hanger in to unclog it
Cleaning ceilings & cat hair!
My biggest challenge is cat hair. We have 3 long haired indoor cats!
Areas under and behind furniture.
the dog hair!!
My biggest challenge is cleaning around the corners and under the dining table
dog and cat hair is my biggest challenge
My worst challenge is finding a vacuum that will get up the crazy amount of hair that my pug sheds!
Vacuuming stairs, one by one.
White dog hair on our maroon carpets is my biggest challenge.
My wife and I have seven rescued animals from different animal shelters. Our two big Alaska Malamute / Siberian Husky dogs along with out five cats create a great deal of fur and dander; winning this great vacuum would be a great help.
The front entryway where sand/salt gets tracked in.
Dog hair is my biggest vacuum challenge.
The stairs are definitely my biggest challenge!
Tie between dog hair and crushed cheerios
trying to vaccum the stairs
Our challenge is cleaning dirty floor rugs
I would have to say that my worst vacuum challenge is getting/keeping dog hair off my furniture. Dark colored furniture and a white dog is not a good combo.
My worse vacuum challenge is the stairs.
Mine is definitely my hair! I have long hair that sheds like normal but we have to cut it out of the bottom of our current vacuum once a month!
trying to get my dogs hair off the couch.
Pet hair is the WORST!!!
It would have to be stairs usually I do them by hand.
i have a hard time keeping the vacuum working, it always seems to lose suction
It’s pet hair.
I have a list:
pet hair
human hair wrapping around the vacuum
My worst vacuum challenge is having a vacuum that can pick up all the messes my 2 boys make. Crumbs, dirt, leaves and all the other stuff they get on the carpet. Especially my youngest who is special needs b/c his fine motor issues he does drop a lot of stuff on the carpets, but thankfully he loves to vacuum! Thank you for the chance!
My ventien Blinds are the worst to vacuum.
Emptying the container, some of them are so hard to get closed again!
pet hair – everywhere!
My worst challenge is getting all of the corners.
My biggest problem is definitely the corners. I use a separate canister for that.
Dog hair, dog hair, and more dog hair. Then everybody brings their dog to my house to visit and more dog hair!
My worst vacuuming challenge is the front door rug. It collects mud, dirt, and leaves.
Second problem would be my dog’s hair.
My worst vacuum challenge is getting into corners and under furniture
The worst is the CAT hair!! UGH! NOthing gets that all up
My worst challenge is the pet hair
My worst challenge is human hair, I have long hair and shed a lot!
I have a long hair cat and she leaves hair everywhere in my house and I need help badly
My biggest challenge is I have to say cat hair and crackers and chips from grandkids I could really use this a lot .
my worst challenge is hair and my sons small toys.
Pet hair because I own both a dog and a cat!
Grass clippings! My husband is so bad about tracking them inside.
My worst challenge is the combination of 4 dogs, 1 cat, 1 toddler and 1 hubby that works at a super dusty/ dirty shipyard lol. The amount of hair that my St Bernard sheds on a daily basis is insane!!
My worst vacuum challenge is getting into tight spaces, like under the furniture.
With 3 big hairy dogs, vacuuming up all the dog hair is a challenge daily.
Art mess like glitter and ceral is realky hard to get cleaned up
all of the small leave bits that get everywhere
I have a hard time with crevices between furniture.