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DIY Anti Static Spray and Getting Rid of Static Cling

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Last Updated on March 14, 2021 by Diane Hoffmaster

I am so darn ecstatic that cool weather is finally starting to set in.  I haven’t had to turn the heat on quite yet but with temps dropping quickly, it won’t be much longer.  You know what happens as soon as I turn on the heat?  Static electricity!  And with a serious love of wool, getting rid of static cling seems to be a daily battle! 

I decided to put together a DIY anti static spray today to get ready for the electrical currents that will soon start driving me nuts!

DIY Anti Static Spray and Getting Rid of Static Cling



DIY Anti Static Spray

There are many variations of this DIY Anti Static Spray. Here is the combination I tried:

1 TBSP Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol)
1 TBSP Fabric Softener
8 oz. Water
essential oils if desired
1 Spray Bottle

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Making  Anti Static Spray

I have seen recipes as easy as a few drops of essential oil in straight witch hazel that work for getting rid of static cling.  Play around with recipes and aromas.  Basically, you want 2 TBSP or so of fabric softener and/or conditioner (use conditioner only if you want a spray for hair!), mixed with about 1 cup water. 

Add about 1 to 2 TBSP of rubbing alcohol to make the liquid evaporate a bit faster.  Add in your essential oils of choice if you want them.   About 10 drops will do. Mix thoroughly and put in a spray bottle.  Shake before using and spray on clothes as needed.  DO NOT spray on dry clean only clothes.

Getting Rid of Static Cling


Getting Rid of Static Cling

So, you will need a lot less of this DIY anti static spray if you just get rid of the static in your clothes to start with, right?  Here are a few ways you can do that:

Hang Dry:

The best natural way to eliminate static in the laundry is to hang dry everything.  That may not work for you, however, during the colder months.  You can always put a drying rack in your laundry room for sweaters and your most static-inducing clothing items.

Dry Synthetic Fabrics Separately: 

Synthetic fabrics are one of the main culprits of static cling. Nylon and polyester are two examples of synthetic fibers.  Dry those separately so they don’t transfer that charge to your other clothes.

Don’t overdry your clothes: 

Overdrying clothes can lead to worse static cling.  Don’t do that!  Use the ‘less dry’ setting on your dryer or check them a few minutes before they are usually done.

Use vinegar: 

If you don’t have fabric softener, use vinegar instead. Add to the rinse cycle of the wash to reduce static cling after your clothes go through the dryer.  Or, spray a clean washcloth with vinegar and toss in the dryer.  The vinegar smell will be gone by the time the clothes are done.

Wool Dryer Balls: 

Wool dryer balls absorb moisture from your clothing in the dryer. This maintains a more humid environment and cuts down on static. Add a few drops of essential oils to make your clothes smell pretty.

Wash with Soap Nuts:

Soap nuts are a natural alternative to laundry detergent and they have natural anti static properties as well. Getting rid of static cling won’t be as big an issue if you ditch the detergent and use soap nuts instead.

You will have much fewer issues with hair static is you work on getting rid of static cling in your clothes.  Your hair feeds off the electricity of your clothing.  If you still have hair static, you can dilute 1 TBSP of hair conditioner in 1 cup of water and spray that on your hair or on your brush. 

Also, ditching your plastic hairbrush and combs and switching to a wooden hairbrush will also reduce static in your hair.

If you like this DIY anti static spray, check out my other tips for saving money on laundry. Have any other tips for getting rid of static cling in clothes?

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