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Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!

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Last Updated on February 17, 2017 by Diane Hoffmaster

Looking for Valentines Day gift ideas for kids?  I have certainly bought a lot of them over the last 15 or so years so I thought I would share a few ideas.   When I was little, I remember my parents (okay, probably my MOM!) getting me a small gift for Valentines Day every year.  Usually, it was just a small box of chocolates or a nick knack of sorts along with a card.  No matter what the gift was, it left me feeling special and I knew that I was loved.  I have always gotten my children a small gift on Valentines Day, although it is getting harder and harder the older they get.  If you are struggling to find Valentines Day gift ideas for kids like I am this year, here are a few suggestions for kids of all ages. I will include a few affiliate links for items you may consider purchasing.

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids


1.  For babies: Yes, I know, babies don’t really need anything for Valentines Day but they are so cute we want to buy them things anyhow.  Great Valentines Day gift ideas for kids under the age of 2 include things like Valentines Day outfits for babies, a cute heart bib, or if you have a little girl, a babies first bracelet with a hearts and love theme.  Don’t forget to make a creative craft with your little one to remember their first Valentine’s Day.  I see lots of red finger painting and handprint art!

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!

2. For Toddlers: Valentines Day gift ideas for kids in the 2 to 4 year age bracket are easy….stuffed animals! Yes, I know we probably don’t NEED any more stuffed animals but they were always the number one most well-received gift my kids ever got.  There are a ton of ideas to choose from, too.  My daughter is a huge fan of Webkinz so their Webkinz heart frog was a big hit.  My son thought the motorcycle teddy bear he got one year was awesome.  If they were still little I would get them this love themed sock monkey personalized with their name. What a cute idea!

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!

3.  For Young Kids:  Well, once kids hit school age, they seem to figure out that Valentine’s Day is all about the sweet.  Now, you don’t want to get your kid 3 pounds of chocolate but a small box with 4 or 5 pieces in it would be a special treat.  Our kids had to make them last since mommy would only let them have one piece after dinner each night.  Other ideas for young kids are heart themed craft projects, cute Valentines Day shirts for kids, puzzles with hearts on them, and even special Valentines Day movies for kids with Franklin, Winnie the Pooh, Charlie Brown, etc. And of course, you can always get more stuffed animals!  According to my daughter, there is no such thing as too many stuffed animals.

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!

4.  For the older child:  The older kids get, the harder they are to shop for!  Valentines Day gift ideas for kids in the tween and teen years might include things:

Girls:  Bath items, jewelry, books, iTunes gift card in a cute but hip Valentines Day card, red nail polish, or fuzzy socks with hearts.
Boys: cologne, movies, gift cards, or heart boxer shorts.

Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!

5.  For the INNER child:  So, some husbands are really nothing but overgrown kids, right? (um, not MY husband…just SOME of them!)  Don’t forget to indulge in a little frivolity on this day of love!  For your inner child, splurge on a love coffee mug and some hot chocolate or coffee.  Consider a humorous book, a personalized photo puzzle of your wedding day, or anything else that makes you smile and remember the reason why you chose your significant other as your life partner.

Valentines Day is a special occasion not only for couples in love but also for kids.  Valentines Day gifts are a great way to include them in this fun holiday.  Remember to give them a little something to let them know they are loved!

Have any other Valentines Day gift ideas for kids to share?


Looking for Valentines Day craft ideas?

 Try making these 3D paper hearts!

This easy Valentines Day craft idea is fun for both adults and kids. 3 Dimensional paper hearts make a simple Valentines Day decor idea that will bring a bit of whimsy into your house!


1 thought on “Valentines Day Gift Ideas For Kids That They Will Love!”

  1. OMG!! I have this weird obsession w/sock monkeys!! Don’t ask, I have no clue how/when it started. I have a huge collection, but NOT that one! Guess what I’m getting myself (not the kids LOL)


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