Last Updated on July 23, 2018 by Diane Hoffmaster
Have you ever wondered how to stop bullying in schools from affecting your child? Kids of all ages can be mean. Bullying in schools happens more than teachers, parents or administrators can even imagine. Teachers have their hands full trying to instill order in their classroom. If they have a line of 30 kids to walk down the hall, they may only see what the first 10 are actually doing. That shy kid at the very END of the line? He may very well be getting bullied and no one even notices. Do you have a kid on social media? Cyber bullying runs rampant among tweens and teens on social networking sites.
With cyber bullying and bullying in schools such a big problem, what can parents do to protect their kids and raise awareness for this important cause? Don’t forget to ready up on cyber safety for kids and make sure to discuss rules for online behavior. You can also get more advice about bullying on
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How to Stop Bullying in Schools: Tips for Parents
Read these tips on how to prevent bullying in schools. However, keep in mind, many of these anti-bullying tips need to be addressed BEFORE the bullying becomes a problem!
Talk to your kids:
Open lines of communication are vitally important to ensure that you are aware of any incidents of bullying that may be occurring. Ask them about their day, who they sat with at lunch, what they did at recess, etc. Ask open-ended questions that need more than a ‘yeah’ or ‘fine’ to answer. Keep in mind that even if THEY aren’t the ones getting bullied, they may have seen an incident occur with another child that should be reported.
Involve the administrators:
Is bullying in schools is a problem for your child? Bring it to the attention of the people in charge. Talk to your child’s teacher (outside of classroom hours…do not embarrass your child by approaching the subject while their peers are all around!). If you get no help from the teacher, go higher up. It is possible that the principle and other administrators don’t even know when is going on.
Monitor your child’s social media accounts:
Keep kids off social media as long as possible but in today’s day and age, they are going to be on there eventually. Friend them, follow them, like them or whatever you need to do so you can check up on what they are doing. Keep in mind, many kids are sneaky… they create ‘dummy’ accounts for their parents to follow that is all hearts and flowers and sweetness and then they have their ‘real’ account where they may let fly whatever comes to mind. It is up to you to find the line where privacy meets parenting. That will differ for every family.
Read up on bullying!
There are a lot of great websites for both parents AND adults to help kids understand bullying and how to prevent it. Check out StopBullying.Gov and GreatSchools.Org for information on signs to look for if your child is being bullied. Buy a few books on bullying for both you AND your kids.
Don’t raise a bully!
Finally, make sure you aren’t raising a bully. As a parent, I like to think that my kids are perfect but I KNOW that isn’t the case. I would be horrified to learn that my child was actually bullying someone at school. No one wants to admit that their kid is mean! Teach your child compassion. Lead by setting a good example and teach them RESPECT for each and every type of individual in this world. Race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or type of clothes a person wears should not play a part in how a person is treated. Do not let your child hear you say disparaging things about ANY group of individuals. Children learn to hate from their parents and hate turns kids into bullies!
How to Stop Bullying in School: It requires YOUR help!
Bullying in schools is a serious problem in today’s younger generation. As a result of bullying, kids often suffer from emotional issues like depression and anxiety. Consequently, suicide has been the ultimate choice for several kids because they couldn’t stand the bullying anymore. It breaks my heart when I hear about this. Learn how to stop bullying in schools before it is YOUR kid who is suffering or YOUR kid who is tormenting others. With parental support and involvement, this problem can be a lot less prevalent.
Please share your own tips on how to stop bullying in schools!
These are fantastic tips Diane! We thankfully haven’t had a problem with bullying, and I sure hope I’m not raising any bullies. I think an open line of communication with both our kids and the school is the #1 way to prevent and stop it.