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Continuing Education Classes for Bloggers

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Last Updated on July 23, 2019 by Diane Hoffmaster

Are you a blogger trying to earn money online?  What skills benefit people who work in social  media?  I thought I would share a few continuing education classes for bloggers that you may want to invest in.

computer and educational materials to indicate continuing education classes for bloggers

Can you Earn Money Blogging?  Yes…. but it takes a while!

I want to make social media an actual career. To support this,  I am deciding  types of skills I can improve upon by taking continuing education courses.  Many years ago when I was young and had no children, I started college with grand dreams of an illustrious career doing medical research.  Turns out, I chose the wrong path. 

More Education Topics to Read

I took fascinating courses like electron microscopy (okay, *I* thought it was fascinating!) and worked my butt off as an undergraduate lab slave to graduate summa cum laude with a degree in Microbiology.  I quickly realized, however, that graduate school and 80 hour work weeks were not really conducive to having kids. 

Not only did I want kids, I wanted to be a Stay At Home Mom.  Yup, my illustrious career in medical research was given up for play-dough and poopie diapers.  I wouldn’t trade those years for anything but now that they kids are in school all day, continuing education classes are looking more and  more appealing so I have started doing some research.   What is continuing education?  Check out this post on Collegetransfer.net for more information. 

woman using laptop to work online

Continuing education courses for bloggers

What types of courses will benefit a blogger trying to make a career out of social media?  Here are some continuing education classes that I have looked into and what I hope to learn from each one:

Internet Marketing 

There are a few key concepts that I am really weak on like SEO optimization and key word insertion and all sorts of other things that the big Google search engine uses to see if my blog is worth showing someone in a topic search.  Doesn’t really matter how well I write if no one stops by to see it, right?


Before I tackle this one I need to save up for  a new camera but I have a book on Food Photography that I have started reading.  A huge portion of marketing yourself to a company is showing off your projects with great photos.  Lighting, colors, and  setting are all important but without a good camera I think I can only go so far.

Creative writing: 

After a few years of blogging I sometimes feel like I am writing the same things over and over and need something to get the creative juices flowing.  If I am going to continue writing as a career I need some inspiration.

Business Administration Courses:   

If I am going to run my blog as a business, I need to take some business courses.  From what I have seen, business administration courses teach people various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, etc.  Unless you want to get nabbed by the IRS, remember that your blogging profits and expenses need to be tracked and reported just like in any other business.

Computer training courses: 

I cannot tell you how many times I have had to play with the HTML of my blog only to completely freak out when I look at all those <div> and <br> things that I have no idea what to do with.  I would like to learn enough basic HTML and coding language that I can fiddle with my blog’s code without having a nervous breakdown!


I have seen a number of Social Media Marketing programs popping up in the last year and would love to have some sort of degree or certificate to make myself stand out among the millions of blogs popping up all over the place.  When clients see that I have invested time and money into continuing education programs I hope they will realize that I am serious about my career in Social Media Marketing.  And remember to list any continuing education classes you take on your resume!  You never know where your life might take you and keeping your resume updated is always a smart move!

Have you considered any continuing education courses to improve your blogging skills? 


7 thoughts on “Continuing Education Classes for Bloggers”

  1. I like this post. No I have never considered any education courses to help my blogging skills but to be honest that is not a bad idea.

  2. sounds like a great idea and something to definitely look more into. I’m especially interested in the photography!

  3. What a great post! Blogging is a business for most of us and we are essentially our own PR firms. Additional training like the courses mentioned in your post are a great way to define our brand and make our bloggy business grow. GREAT post!


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